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            Memories fade quickly, but there are a few things that stand out when I think back to my very first days at UW. I remember feeling unbearably excited, wondering what would be in store for the next few months, not to mention the next few years. The sheer size of the school and its subsequent huge number of resources amazed me, and I couldn’t imagine how I could possibly start to utilize all of them. Living on the Honors themed floor in Poplar was the best part of it all, as I got to know a small cohort of students placed in exactly the same situation as me. We bonded so well that year, keeping our doors wide open regardless of where we were. The one main stressor I remember regarded majors, however – I kept second-guessing my decision to study a non-STEM major (debatable, as environmental science falls somewhat between STEM and non-STEM, in my opinion). So many other honors students were pursuing degrees like biochemistry, physics, bioengineering, etc. While it’s true that many students end up switching to non-STEM majors, my group of friends pretty much stuck with their ambitions for their entire UW career – which is awesome! However, being in the minority really made me question whether I would be making the most of my time here.

            I still don’t know what I could’ve done to utilize my time as a student any better than I have, at least not realistically, but overall I’m extremely happy with my entire UW experience. I’ve met amazing people, tried many new activities, learned more outside of class than inside it, and stepped outside my comfort zone multiple times. Part of me wishes it would last longer, but part of me feels ready to move on to new adventures.


            In the middle of my sophomore year, I was hired on as a new UW student tour guide. This was already an accomplishment on its own for me, as I had applied the year prior and was immediately denied. I remember giving my first tour to an excited group on a sunny day, describing all the various parts of campus and relating some of my experiences. My tours now are a little bit different – they have an air of reminiscing replacing wonder. I talk more about the career center and less about my floormates. But nonetheless, my love for the opportunities this school has given me stays the same.


            Mainly, I think this portfolio will be for me. I love to look back upon past artifacts from my life, as well as past thoughts. However, I’d like to share it with future students and other members of the UW community as well. I hope that it helps some overwhelmed freshman feel more at ease about their time here, or encourages an Honors 100 student not to use Google Sites as a platform. I hope it shows anyone that views it how exciting and fulfilling a school year can be. But mostly, I hope it makes me smile in ten years.

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