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Spring quarter freshman year, I discovered UW had a steelband ensemble. Fall quarter sophomore year, I enroll. Winter and spring quarters senior year, I enroll once more, realizing how much I missed it. Post-graduation, I continue to play steelpan and look forward to joining an adult orchestra in the fall. Who knew it would stick?

There aren't any recordings of us, but UW Steelband does have some older videos:

Arts & Music

Stage Notes

I auditioned for a production of Legally Blonde as a sophomore and continued my love of musical theatre throughout the rest of college. I've been so lucky to meet amazing people and make such special memories. Below is the cast of Urinetown, Stage Notes' 2016 musical:

Unleashed! A Cappella

Unleashed! is the non-audition option of UW's four a cappella choirs. I have had such a blast singing with such a great group of people over the past two years. Whether it's the latest pop hit, a traditional choral song, or a love ballad, rehearsing and performing music with this group will always hold great memories.

I got to share a duet at an a cappella showcase in spring 2015:

Stage Notes

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